Recent Event: An Evening With Ron Suskind
Recorded March 2, 2022
This event was hosted by the CCSU Media Board, in conjunction with community partners: the New Britain Institute, New Britain Hospital for Special Care, and the New Britain Museum of American Art.
Ron Suskind is a Pulitzer-winning journalist and bestselling author. His Life, Animated (2014) chronicles his family’s twenty-year journey raising and connecting to their autistic son. The Suskinds are also the subject of an award-winning documentary of the same name (2016). Their story has driven activism and research about the compensatory strengths of those with autism and others who are “differently-abled” due to distinctive neurology or sociocultural backgrounds. Suskind’s company, Sidekicks, is leading efforts to build a next generation of augmentative technologies to lift and support these communities.

Photo By: Kate Farrish

Photo By: Kate Farrish