NBI Manufacturing Initiative Report
Geoffrey Bray
The New Britain Institute’s interest in starting the concept of a Manufacturing Initiative was to explore ways to better connect educational programs with Connecticut’s manufacturing resurgence through hands-on learning programs.
Initially the focus was on expanding the reach of the NBHS Manufacturing Academy, which itself was totally updated through the efforts of Jason Howey, President of AVNA at and Sondra Sanford, Community Out-Reach Coordinator for CSD-NB.
The State of CT has recognized both the needs and advantages of embracing today’s manufacturers by creating a business friendly environment as the 4th Industrial Revolution is now underway. Manufacturing is merging with modern technology, which requires a coordinated approach between business and education starting as early as middle school. The committee which included members of the Chamber, OIC, AVNA, the NB consolidated school district, NB Industrial Museum and the NB Institute with some "out of the box” innovative thinking decided to offer a hands-on learning program to parents of students in the NB school system, as some may have jobs but not necessarily meaningful careers. This six week program gave them the opportunity to explore what they might never have considered as a career. Our next step is to create a situation which will help bring those interested in pursuing a career to meet with those many companies who are looking to expand their operations.
The program became possible with funding from the State of CT through the efforts of the Community Foundation of Greater NB and State Senator Rick Lopes. Our initial goal was to tighten the connections between today’s educational programs, manufacturers, and history of Central CT based manufacturing offered by the NB Industrial Museum. We see this program, which drew almost twice as many participants as we hoped for, as just a start for continued offerings as grants might support. We also totally embrace the concept of inclusion not just for project participants, but mostly for all the organizations who worked together to establish what we hope will be many positive opportunities.
The New Britain Institute’s borrowed by line is so appropriate for this endeavor as we move forward: “Celebrate our Past, understand our Present, and pioneer our Future”